Birthday Tree Activity


Suitable for: Infant, Kindergarten, Multi-Age, Preschool, School Age, Toddler, Twos
Small tree in pot or burlap, shovel, measuring tape, journal or notebook, camera
On your child’s birthday, plant a tree. Create a “My Tree” journal. Measure how tall your child and the tree are. Write the measurements and date in the journal. Take a picture of your child beside the tree. Add this to the journal. Repeat this each year on your child’s birthday.
You can show your child two or three types of trees that grow quickly, like Willows, Sycamores, or Tulip Poplar trees, but let her make the final choice, if possible. Give your child a watering can, along with the responsibility of watering the tree whenever it needs it.  Before planting the tree, point out its root system when you loosen the burlap or take it out of the pot. Once you dig the hole, talk about any fertilizer (food) or compost that you add. Give your child a watering can, along with the responsibility of watering the tree whenever it needs it. Let her decorate the front of the journal. She can draw pictures of the tree throughout the year, especially showing its changes through the seasons. Press leaves to add.

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